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Dr. Michael Mosley

Celebrating Michael Mosley: Just One Thing Day

TV doctor Michael Mosley is being honoured across BBC radio and TV today with a host of programmes where presenters and audiences will be encouraged to do “just one thing” to improve their wellbeing.

We were incredibly saddened to hear of the passing of Michael last month. Among many other things, he introduced thousands of people to the health benefits of taking regular extra virgin olive oil. So many people came to us after hearing his Enjoy Olive Oil podcast who are now regular customers, and we're very grateful to him. We send our deepest condolences to his family and we hope his legacy will live on.

You can listen to his 'Enjoy Olive Oil' podcast by clicking the button below.

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Jul 12

I was so sad to hear that news, he was one of the few who spoke total sense. A huge loss.


Best olive oil in the world, from a family farm in Cyprus, the real deal.

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